Energy prices still rising – threats of UK blackouts
By 2016 there will be a very real risk of the UK lights going out for long periods of time if we continue to rely on our diminishing energy supplies of gas & electricity. Now is the time to think of renewable energy in order to save Britain from regular blackouts. The recent 10% increase […]
What’s going on at MSE?
Electrical installation completed at Pegasus House, Airbus Head Office, Bristol. A truly iconic art-deco building that we have been working at for the last few months. With the summer proving to be warmer than usual our air-conditioning engineers and salesmen have been kept very busy. We have been travelling all over the country providing installations […]
Domestic RHI Key Facts
Open to applicants in Spring 2014 Available to anyone who has installed renewable heat technology and meets the RHI eligibility criteria from 15 July 2009 The tariff levels have have been set at – air source heat pumps : 7.3p/kWh and solar thermal: 19.2p/kWh. The tariff will be paid on a quarterly basis for seven […]

Coast to Coast Charity Bike Ride
Tim took to his bike again in September in aid of Zoe’s Place (a hospice based in Coventry for young, teminally ill children). He cycled from St Bees Head,on the West coast to Robin Hoods Bay on the East coast over a weekend with a group of friends. Even with the issue of a boken […]